Sustainable Food Supply Chain:
Agri-Food Nexus
AgriFood Nexus mobilizes and integrates the food supply chain – to achieve high value efficiency, food security, food safety and climate smart outcomes.
AgriFood Nexus is a global initiative and active industry network to achieve climate-smart, safe and secure food with agriculture decision support and predictive analytics throughout the agri-food supply chain. AgriFood Nexus incorporates the Sustainable Development goals with viable innovations, leading research and dynamic interoperable data to inform decision-making and incentivize positive change for the agri-food value chain – extending from leading science to pre harvest and post harvest production, distribution, retail, consumption, nutrition and human health.
AgriFood Nexus will inform, guide and ensure sustainable, high value “climate smart” strategies and actions for the evolving agri-food sector now and in the future. Decision scenarios for farmers, businesses and consumers alike will be more accurate, efficient and valuable for both for crises decision-making efforts and for longer-term collaborative industry-wide planning and policy-making to enhance food safety and security.
The facilitating agents for our future agri-food supply chain will be creating optimal knowledge and achieving more successful climate smart actions, food security, food safety, nutritional health, well-being and sustainable outcomes consistent with the objectives of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
An initial consortium laid the foundation for this program, which began with a Letter of Intent from the Netherlands department of Economic Affairs and the California Department of Food and Agriculture in December, 2015, representing an agreement between the largest food producing economies of the world.